A Great Day Off!

Date: 2023/09/27 Posted by:

Papa Jon’s Cafes are closed on Tuesdays, so I went to my favorite Kyoto vegetarian cafe for lunch. “Vegginy” <https://www.instagram.com/vegginykyoto/> is very close to Kyoto City Hall. The wooden interior and the affable and talented owner/chef, Tomomi Horrii, make it an easy place to relax.

owner/chef, Tomomi Horrii

The menu changes daily. Thai Curry, Buddha Bowl, Vegetarian Sandwich, and a humongous Veggie-burger have never disappointed. The soups are delicious and probably the prettiest I have ever seen.
There was only one seat open at the counter, which gave me a chance to chat with her helper, Jeremy.
Jeremy speaks Japanese, English, and New Yawk.  To sit at a counter and shmooze in my native New Yawkees with a man who has a decidedly East Coast sense-of-everything is a delight.

Oh, I forgot …Tomomii’s Muffins are huge and delicious.



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